

Yesterday me and my class went and and had a  fun time at the libary as you can see this is me and my friend enjoying reading we did other things at the libary like playing chess  and checkers we also read online books and answered a few questions. Malo ofa atu

My Pepeha

Malo e lelei,

For the past few days we have been making our pepeha and as you can see this is mine. I decorated my pepeha  the Tongan way and in my pepeha is many details of me and my my village,where I was bron and  my family.

Team Tui Financial Literacy


Malo e lelei,


For this maths task we had to list things we want and need here is my list and my total and my savings plan and how much I would save it was fun because not only do you learning how you can save your money and also list things you can’t afford which is everything in the want sections.

This is all for today Ofa Atu Bye.

Maths/Long Division

Malo e lelei,

For today my maths was all about long division where we devied a sing number from a three dighit number for an exsample Three divied by 543 and we had to work it out the hard and long way before we do it the nice an easy sloveing way but overall this has to be the best maths I have ever done.

Island Breeze

Malo e lelei,

Today we had a group from Hawai and they performed for us and they were all from different cultures but all live in Hawai it was awesome because it was funny plus the MC gave us a life lesson which was heart touching he talked about how he was treated differently from others just because he came from a broken house but he just kept on going and saying to himself I’m a somebody. After all the times he kept on saying he´s somebody here he is entertaining schools and traveling all around entertaining people in different countries.


For reading I read a book about porridge and these were the qustitons that I had to anwser. The book was about if you don´t have breakfast than you will fell tired and really tired because breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Maths Today

Malo e lelei,

For maths we were learning about Natural Number , Whole Numbers ,Integers Number , Rational  Numbers , Irrational Number  and real number we were learning how to add and multiply the number and how fractions can be includeed.

Maths For Today


Malo e lelei,

For my maths today I completed doing questions that had to do with probablity. Tt was fun because it was a brain thinking questions and it took just a few minutes to work on. The part I enjoyed was learning with my fellow level three students and laughing. Another part I didn´t enjoy were siting still for a long time which is just a few minutes but overall the best part was finishing on time.